
Kerry Johnston


Kerry is one of the most thorough and able Paralegals in our region. Not only has she acquired a reputation as “a safe pair of hands”, but she is regularly praised by professionals and clients alike for her excellent people skills.

Kerry Johnston, Paralegal
Specialises in:
Divorce & Family
Wallsend office
0191 262 8231


  • Kerry has had involvement in some of the most complex and demanding cases including non-accidental injury cases, cases linked to the most serious of criminal allegations, and cases involving children and adults with very difficult personal histories
  • Kerry has previously been a regular attender at child protection meetings and in cases at all levels of the Family Court
  • Kerry has comprehensive knowledge of the legal aid system, and is now responsible for managing all aspects of client’s public funding certificates

Outside of the office
Away from the office Kerry loves to see the world. She has travelled across America, South Africa, Europe, UK, and Ireland. Kerry has a passion for animal welfare. She is a volunteer for various animal charities including the RSPCA and is a Marine Mammal Medic for the BDMLR. Kerry also enjoys coastal walks, keeping fit, and going on adventures with her family.

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Get in touch with Kerry

Click here to leave Kerry a message and she will get in touch

‘Hay & Kilner’ and ‘Hay & Kilner Law Firm’ are both trading names of Hay & Kilner LLP, a limited liability partnership registered in England & Wales with registered number OC418767. Our registered office is at The Lumen, St James' Boulevard, Newcastle Helix, Newcastle upon Tyne NE4 5BZ and we are authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (Authorisation number 643191). We use the word ‘partner’ to refer to a member of Hay & Kilner LLP. A list of the members is available at our registered office.